Equiculture endorsements - read what people have to say about us and our work
This page houses just a few of thousands of stories and testimonials we have received over the years from people worldwide who have used Equiculture principles to help them with their horses and their land/pasture.
Starting with one by Deborah Meadon - star of BBC 2 Dragons Den TV show (UK)
''We had a brilliant afternoon with Jane and Stuart Myers of Equiculture and it's changed our pasture management thinking for the (so much) better. Thanks for both for coming to our little place; you have made a big difference to the way manage our land 🙏''
Max’s story - Hampshire - UK
A success story about a laminitic horse...
Max has been mine since he was rising four, and today he turns 14. Our time together has been punctuated with one outbreak of stealth laminitis (2011), serial acute hoof abscesses (2011/12) and a constant battle with regional obesity. In 2012, blood tests confirmed insulin resistance and borderline ACTH (aka Cushing’s/PPID)...
Karri's Story - make sure you read this!
Especially if you have equines with weight issues...
Karri - Sydney - Australia - This is why I am so passionate about The Equicentral System, and using it as its intended - as a complete system. This was my boy before and after converting to The Equicentral System. In the first photo Lorien is 9yo, having spent his life on starvation paddocks with short stressed grass, measured (restricted) hay, grazing muzzles, past reoccurring episodes of laminitis, and when this pic was taken, he was in daily, medium intensity work, and yet he still looked like this. Shamefully, I didn't even know it was a problem...
From Samantha McCormack - Victoria - Australia
Do you struggle with drought? Read this...
We've just survived our longest drought so far in Victoria - close to 6 months with no rain at all. By following Equicentral principles our pastures have managed to sustain 4 horses 5 cows and about 100+ kangaroos throughout the drought. The cows have only been fed a square bale of hay a week since the colder weather kicked in from about mid April and they are still fat. The horses have been off the pasture since the rain came to allow it to regenerate - that short green stuff is no good for them anyway.
By not allowing my pasture to be overgrazed during the drought, I have grass growing and not weeds so hopefully it will sustain them through winter, particularly as hay is so expensive and hard to source at the moment.
Thank goodness for The Equicentral System!
From Missaay Moo - UK
Another obesity case...
(Original post) - A before and after photo that sums up where I currently am with my aim to becoming completely Equicentral with my set up.
Three years ago I was desperate to find a way to help my mare Missy as she was obese from being on ex-dairy pasture livery. She was exercised daily but in the end I had resorted to keeping her in on soaked hay because I didn’t know how to help her. I then moved to our small holding pretty much for her sake! I dabbled a bit with The Equicentral System principles for six months until going on Equiculture's excellent 1 day talk. Since then I’ve been striving to improve our set up and land. We still have many things to do but we’ve now had almost three full seasons through. I’ve learnt so much... I know exactly what works for my two horses in terms of forage and I’m seeing measurable changes...
Update from Missaay Moo (Sept 2019) - It’s been three years since we moved to our property with it’s 3 1/2 acres and it is 2 1/2 years since I attended the Equiculture Talk. My two horses (15.2 hh & 14 hh) live on roughly 3 acres of pasture on very sandy soil. I have tried to follow The Equicentral System principles to the best of my ability and am now seeing gains both in their health (both very good doers), and that of the land.
This year I really feel like I’ve ‘ got it ‘. My mare is no longer obese and has had no sign of her low grade laminitis this year plus her gut health has also improved massively. My gelding, who is 22, looks fabulous for his age.
I have no machinery and tend the land pretty much by hand other than having a big strimmer for topping roughs.
I have worked with how the land ‘performs‘ during each season using temporary fencing and have seen a big rise in biodiversity. We have a huge colonies of dung beetles and worms helping out . There’s lots more to do but I’m really chuffed with how things are shaping up. Aside from the initial outlay for the land I really haven’t spent a fortune getting to this point but the benefits are ten fold. I thought I’d share a few photos of where we are now.
Laurel Gordon - Tasmania - Australia
Laurel has been managing her horses and her land 'The Equicentral Way' for a few years now (we call her 'The Mulching Queen' because she has had so much success with mulching)...
Having just listened to both of Jane's podcast talks with Alex Kurland and Manda Scott, which are excellent, I glanced out the window and then raced out to take this photo, because as Jane said in the discussion, The Equicentral System is such an exciting and EMPOWERING way of thinking.
Here in one snapshot is a longer more biodiverse pasture currently being grazed, and the chestnut, last time I looked out was grazing where I took the photo from, so he's moved a lot in a short time. Behind a temporary electric fence is the other half of the paddock which I've just mowed because it was getting so long and I want to encourage it to thicken up..... it was this winters sacrifice/hay mulch area, which will give good late summer grazing when it regrows, as the grass seeds have grown and the hay is rotting down nicely on what was very poor soil which cracked open in summer. In the background is a fenced off corner planted with mainly Tasmanian native trees, running into a native windbreak full of nesting birds, and bees and other insects. That one hour talk I attended with Jane and Stuart a few years ago was the best thing which could have happened to this small patch of land I temporarily "own" and care for!! (and I hope Sir Terry Pratchett would forgive me the extra exclamation mark 😁)
You can listen to the podcasts that Laurel is mentions here: www.equiculture.net/equiculture-podcasts
Hope Pastures Horse, Pony and Donkey Sanctuary In Leeds - Yorkshire - UK
This is one of many equine sanctuaries we have consulted for in the UK, including Blue Cross, Redwings, The Donkey Sanctuary.
Really pleased with how the grass farming is going at Hope Pastures Horse, Pony and Donkey Sanctuary In Leeds - Yorkshire...🌿🌱🌾🍀🌿
The film is of the second loafing area we have created which has only been in place for 9 months (the picture is how this area used to look). We have split the field in to 2/3 resting.
It’s been tough through the winter keeping the herds in small sacrifice paddocks and our second loafing area but seeing the biodiversity of grasses and herbs is so worth it now. 🌸🌼🌺🍄🌾
We also had planted over the past 5 years some edible hedgerows with Rose, Willow, Hawthorn and Hazel which will in turn provide even more enrichment and variety for our precious rescued horses, ponies and donkeys. 😊🍀🌱🌿🌼🌾
Horses degrade rural land…or do they?
This account is by Tim O' Donell - A government ‘extension officer’ in Australia.
More stories and endorsements
Max Easy - Horse Charming - www.horse-charming.com - UK - For those who find themselves reluctant to invest The Equiculture Course. What appealed to me most about The Equiculture System was that a good third of the material is focussed on what horses are as a species, how they behave naturally and what they need to thrive...
Susan Lloyd - Australia - Jane and Stuart's Equiculture Course and Equicentral System Concept for the improvement of our horses' mental and physical health, our land and our riding is so generous. So much for so little!..
Anna Marian - Equine Dentist - Queensland - Australia - If you have horses on small acreage, the Equiculture information is absolutely invaluable. You’ll save tonnes of money on feed, have healthy land, healthy horses and your property will look fabulous. Most others in my area have horses on dirt paddocks and are spending hundreds on hay. Whilst my paddocks are green and lush!
Well worth it in my opinion!
Damelza Storbeck - UK
I have been searching for information and guidance as to what I can do to improve the field I currently rent for my horses and was exploring track systems, but as my field is quite steeply sloping in places I know it would end up as a mud slide...
Becks Cato - New Zealand - As I write this I’m feeling an incredible amount of relief that my horse was able to graze on grass happily for a whole 12 hr stretch earlier this week! This is purely down to the science based guidelines from Equiculture I have been able to implement in my horses living environment...
A few general testimonials about Equiculture:
"I wanted to let you know that we have set up The Equicentral System on our 16 acre property in NZ. It is working really well. The horses love it and have access to pine forests and long stretches of internal roading. Depending on what area they are in they may have to walk up to 1km to get to their water and hay. I feel like we are utilising our property better than ever before. And no pugging up of gate areas and fence lines from horses waiting. I am so pleased at the reduction in work it has meant for me, too. No transporting feeds, hay and covers to paddocks. Really pleased to have done your course. And I'm not up to the planting part yet either! - Regards" - Tonimarie (NZ)
"The Equiculture approach to everything horsey - from how you manage your horses to how you ride - has been a revelation for me. My horses have benefited so much. My partner also loves this approach and is now more involved in our improved horse 'lifestyle'" - Julie Spencer (USA)
"Forget micromanagement, go Equicentral and embrace macro management then sit back and watch the horses thrive. It's a revelation." - April Chalklin-Costa - Puckshott Farm Livery (UK)
"My biggest surprise is that we can have an arrangement that makes feeding, etc. super easy for the humans who have full time day jobs (the horses come to us!), while at the same time it is the best thing for our land! Doesn't get better than that!" - Dorothy Nuess (Australia)
''Hi Jane, I came to your talk in Derby (UK) on Tuesday night and bought one of your books - Planning and Development. I had already bought your other book Healthy Pasture - and thought they were both pretty expensive. I have now changed my mind. Thanks to your talk and reading both books I think you've saved me about £24,000!!!!!!! That's in the type of stables I was going to have and an arena. I'm now having a big shelter in my loafing area and no arena. With the money I've saved im now going to have a horse box and box to an arena nearby and have more grass at home! Just wanted to say thank you. This system is absolute genius whichever way you look at it!" - Gemma - UK
''Being brand new to pasture management I fell head first into the pitfalls of outdated information. I put down a "horse" pasture mix on my field resulting in a beautiful green pasture and an obese horse. The mix had all the wrong things in it. This unfortunate hiccup made me determined to find the right way to do things, that's when I found you good people and this course. Thx for setting me on the right path and for giving me the tools I need to make my dream a reality.'' Denise Carlton - UK
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The Horse Rider's Mechanic (HRM)
The Horse Rider's Mechanic ARTICLES & VIDEO blogs
The Horse Rider's Mechanic course
The Horse Rider's Mechanic books