How to Develop an online Equine Business
Has the Coronavirus crisis made you think about taking your current business online or even starting a new one?
Has your income slowed or even stopped during this current crisis and you would like to make sure it does not happen again?
Would you like a business that:
- Will run not just through this period of lockdown and social distancing, but beyond?
- Will run alongside your current business, or become a completely new venture?
- Makes money while you sleep/ride/holiday?
- Has no geographic boundaries so you can sell to anyone, anywhere?
Are you nervous of technology or not up to speed with the latest social media trends?
Well don't worry, we will guide you through the basics. However, if you can use Facebook or have a website you have enough to get you started.
In this course we teach you how to set up and navigate the online platforms. We also share our experiences, our hard won knowledge and insights to enable your online equine business to develop rapidly.
Plus you will be invited to join an online community of fellow equine business owners to recieve support, information guidance and perhaps most importantly, networking.
In our case, several years ago, we had no choice but to get our equine business online due to a series of circumstances, including serious illnesses to ourselves and close family members.
It was a long and hard learning curve and we made some expensive and time-consuming mistakes.
This course will help you to avoid making those same mistakes and will save you time and money.

Learn how to work smarter not harder
Find out more about what is covered in the course
Does this sound like your situation?
You are worried about spending money on the wrong advice/help.
You are concerned that the current world situation (Coronavirus pandemic and potential economic recession) is not a good time to start a new business.
You are confused about what to spend the most time on to get your business online.
You are fed up with going round in circles, trying to figure out where to start.
You think you have an excellent online equine business idea but need help and support to get it off the ground.
You have self-doubts, and this and your lack of self-confidence are holding you back.
Isn't it time you stopped:
Wasting time getting nowhere and instead start using your time to get somewhere.
Keeping yourself up at night with an idea but not getting around to taking action.
Making excuses rather than just getting on with it.
Beating yourself up because you don't seem to be able to get going.
You may have spent hours watching free videos about starting an online business...

But, at last, here's a blueprint for your success.
A simple guide to get your equine business online - fast.
How to Develop an online Equine Business - The Course
Start planning your new business or improving your existing one...
Start getting the results you deserve for all your effort and expense...
Here are the exact tools you need to move from frustrated to happy...
What WILL happen if you buy this course?
You WILL save money. Courses similar to this, aimed at businesses, usually cost a lot more money than this.
You WILL be able to identify what you need to prioritise so that you can get your equine business online - fast.
You WILL have a stepwise guide and a clear path to follow.
You WILL have support from us and other equine business owners via the private, initation only, Facebook group.
A VERY Special introductory price:
How to Develop an online Equine Business
£97 GBP
$120 USD
$185 AUD
€110 EUR
Find out more about what is covered in the course
This course is a toolkit.
The course includes a series of modules.
Plus you are invited to become a member of a private Facebook group. In this group you can get help and support.
Also, you can download the app to your mobile so that you can learn on the go.
The course, and the guided learning that goes with it, will give you all the information you need to get your buiness online.
You will achieve your dreams and earn money while you sleep/ride/holiday.