Paperback - The Equicentral System (3) book set USD

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What People Are Saying:

My biggest surprise is that we can have an arrangement that makes feeding, etc. super easy for the humans who have full time day jobs (the horses come to us!), while at the same time it is the best thing for our land! Doesn't get better than that!

Dorothy Nuess (Australia)

Jane and Stuart’s advice has revolutionised how I keep my horses and revolutionised my own lifestyle. My partner really appreciates the change as well because we are now saving money and I have more time (as well as more ‘quality time’ with my horses) - thank you so much for your wonderful advice.

Julie Marconi (USA)

The biggest and most pleasant surprise was finding that there are horse owners out there that think like me and it's not just a case of me 'being soft' as I was often told. I love this way of living for horses. They work hard for us and they deserve to live like this!

Joanne McNichol (UK)

$69.95 USD